Rob (who is into Civil War history) got Ryan a Union soldier hat on his recent trip to Gettysburg. Today Ryan decided to wear it backward, and further accessorized with a pacifier.

Now that we're finally having some warm weather, Ryan and I have been walking (or riding, in his case) to the playground most days. When I see him in his stroller, it strikes me how much he's grown in the past 9 months.
Now (April 08):

Then (July 07):

Ryan doesn't like to ride on the swing, so he just sets his basketball on it, gives it a push, and spends the rest of his time marching around in the mulch.

He's also getting to be a real menace around the house, and elsewhere. Today he opened the dishwasher while it was running. Ours has a "lock" button that prevents him from reprogramming the controls, but it doesn't stop him from physically opening the dishwasher with the lever, which he figured out the other day. Fortunately I was only 10 feet away and saw him do it, so I was able to shut the door before the kitchen was flooded. He has also taken to standing up in the cart at the grocery store, which he manages to do even with the belt on. It's anyone's guess what he'll discover next!