Monday, September 25, 2006

....with the I600-A form.

We took a big step today by sending our I-600A form to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services department in our city. This is our application to the United States government for advance permission to adopt a foreign-born child and emigrate the child to the U.S. In a few months we hope to receive our I 171H form, which will certify that we have advance approval.

In the interim, we have some steps to complete to receive the I 171H. The government will provide a date where we have to go and be fingerprinted by the FBI. We also have to complete what is known as a "home study." The home study will be conducted by a social worker who will meet with us and make sure we are fit to be adoptive parents. Once the home study is completed, hopefully by Thanksgiving, and our fingerprints show we have no criminal record, we should get the I-171 H form. At this time, we hope to have it by Christmas.

Once we have the I 171H form, we will be placed on our agency's waiting list to receive the referral of a child. We are being told by our agency that the wait may be as long as 10-12 months for a boy or 18-24 months for a girl. Apparently, Vietnam is becoming a popular option in general, and especially with our agency. As I understand it, wait times may vary by agency because each agency works with different orphanages in Vietnam. Some agencies are showing much shorter waits on their websites, but that information may not be up to date. They also may not have as many clients. If you are a prospective adoptive parent, look around. Since adoptions to the U.S. have just resumed, it is hard to predict wait times right now.

It feels a little more real today. At the same time, we have quite a wait ahead of us.


At 10:29 PM, Blogger Karin and Rob said...

Thanks guys.


At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?


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